Sunday 14 February 2016

What Opportunities Are You Missing When You Decide To Stay Home?

You have a networking event to go to and you know you need to be networking to meet new people, to continue building those business relationships and that networking is key to building your business.   And there you are: not wanting to go! 

I love to network. I love to meet people.  I love to connect people.  That is the reason why I started a networking coaching business.  Yet, even as an expert networker,  I have those rare times when I feel like staying home.  I just feel like cuddling up on the couch to watch an episode of Suits on Netflix.  

Don't beat yourself up if that urge to skip an event flashes through your mind.  Do, however, make sure you don't let that urge win.  Take charge of your thoughts.   Give your head a shake and think for a moment what opportunity you might be missing out on if you don't go to that event. 

This it exactly what happened to me this week.   I was getting ready to go out to a networking event when that little voice in the back of my head said "Just stay home. You could have a relaxing evening at home and go to the next one."  Thank goodness my brain kicked in and kicked my butt out the door.

I arrived at the event and was greeted by the most lovely woman and immediately I realized I made the right decision to go.  I met some fantastic new people and I was able to make great connections between some of the attendees.   

And then it happened... 

Someone introduced others to me.  That introduction led to great conversation and that conversation led to results.  Those conversations allowed me to refer the people I had just met to some networking colleagues I knew could assist these persons with the challenges they were having.   It also resulted in myself setting up two meetings with potential coaching clients and a opportunity to present a workshop training for a small business.

Now what would have happened if I decided to let my momentary lapse of brain power overrule my work calendar?  Five other people's businesses would have been impacted.  

Because I was there, I was able to make connections to those people looking for some help with their business.  Those connections resulted in business for the people who could help them and that help will improve the businesses of the people looking for help.  

Because I was there, others were able to introduce some people looking for some help to me, which resulted in potential new business for myself and the possibility for me to impact someone else's business growth.  It was a great reminder to me why I do what I do and why I love networking.  It was a great reminder to me to not let the little voice in my head sway me from what I love. 

So here is the lesson for all of us.  The next time the little voice in your head tells you to stay home and relax, tell that little voice to "stop talking" and take control of your brain again.  Get yourself out the door.  You just never know what opportunities are waiting for you. Opportunities for you to help others and opportunities to come your way.  

Remember - Networking is not just about you... It's about a community that works together.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this blog and please let me know if there is a topic you would like me blog about.  

To Your Success,

1 comment:

  1. Loved this, needed this!
    Networking is like going to the gym, you don't REALLY want to go, but you have fun once you are there!
